Friday, June 8, 2012

Sweet Potatoe Fries

Breakfast: Gluten Free Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs, and Apple Slices.

Lunch: Jack in the Box Burger.

Dinner: Veggie Burger on Whole Wheat Bun with "fake" Bacon and Cheese. Sweet Potato Fries on the Side. 

Yes, we eat at Jack in the Box sometimes. We eat at Old McDonald's too. And Taco Bell. And Burger King. I could go on and on. We love eating at home and preparing healthy vegetarian food, but sometimes you're on the go and gotta feed yourself and the kids. I actually consider it a life skill to be able to eat junk food. No, really! Just before Silly turned two, we took a family adventure to Costa Rica. Because of Silly's severe peanut allergy, feeding her quickly became a problem. We had trouble communicating our situation to people and several times after we thought we had obtained "safe" food, Silly started to swell up. So, when abroad and looking for some standard American fare with an ingredient list, where does one go? McDonald's. Except guess whose palate was too sophisticated for chicken nuggets? She so needed some protein and fat, but the child would not touch their food. Since that trip, I have made a conscious effort to introduce her to fast food. Sounds crazy, right? But you never know when you are going to end up away from home, needing to feed your family in a pinch. In fact, today was the first time in a long time that we ended up out running errands when I realized it was lunch time and we were no where near home. Silly was getting hungry and cranky. So I pulled into Jack in the Box and got that kid a burger. And she ate. All of it. No, fast food burgers aren't particularly good for you, but protein, fat and carbs are what fill a toddler's belly and I was relieved that she will finally eat the occasional fast food - not just smoked salmon and blue cheese.

Morning snack was a bag of goldfish crackers from Target, along with a juice box and apple. And since lunch was late and dinner was early, afternoon snack never happened. It was a long, busy day, but everyone filled their bellies!

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