Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Breakfast: Rolled Oatmeal with Maple Syrup, Apples, and Chopped Walnuts.

Snack for Silly: Strawberry Yogurt and Banana Slices.

Lunch: Organic Brown Rice, Mixed Vegetables, and Black Beans, topped with Balsamic Vinegar and Sour Cream.

Dinner: Potato Gnocchi, Mushrooms, and Peas in a Cream Butter Sage Sauce.

Babyfood: Oatmeal & Banana Puree.

The Gnocchi isn't homemade, but the delicious Cream sauce it's coated in is. It's a simple "Mushroom Cream Sauce" recipe that I pulled from the Food Network website. It worked perfectly and I happen to have purple sage growing in our garden. I threw in the peas for color mostly, but they are also the 'vegetable' of the meal. Silly was delighted to finally try Gnocchi like we have been making with PlayDough, but I think she was slightly disappointed it wasn't pink or purple.

Lunch was an old stand by. I keep organic rice and organic mixed veggies in the freezer at all times, and there are always a few cans of organic beans in the pantry. In about 5 minutes I can warm up each of these components and mix them up for a pretty healthy meal. A little balsamic vinegar and a dollop of sour cream and we had a delicious lunch.

Valentine continues to love the purees I'm making him, but he has his sights set on our food. He never takes his eyes off my plate and if he thinks he has a shot he'll reach out for a handful. Soon, blended veggies aren't going to cut it anymore. Hopefully not too soon - he's still so young!

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