Saturday, June 16, 2012


Breakfast: Homemade Drop Biscuits with Jam & Butter, Vegetarian Sausage, and Grapefruit. 

Morning Snack: Chickpea Hummus, Pumpernickel Pretzels, Carrot Sticks, Sugar Snap Peas, Cherry Tomatoes, and Cucumber Slices.

 Afternoon Snack: Baby Carrots with a glass of warm Cow's Milk (not pictured).

Dinner: Spaghetti & Tomato Sauce, with Sauteed Zucchini & Yellow Squash

Babyfood: Green Beans, Yellow Squash, and Zucchini Puree.

Who could have known what a huge hit drop biscuits would be this morning!? I guess we never made them before, and Silly was in love. Of course, the butter and jam we spread on them probably didn't hurt. Grapefruit was a little harder to introduce because neither mom nor dad like it. We've always tried very hard to "be grownups" about food and resist making faces and saying things like "eww!!" when there is food that one of us doesn't care for. Usually at least one of us likes any particular food so there is someone to introduce it in a positive way. Well, Silly loves sour things. The kid will suck on lemons if we let her. So the logical conclusion is that she would probably enjoy grapefruit, but neither of us could stomach the first "Look how good it is!" bite. Finally my husband took the plunge and sliced one open this morning. He made such a big production out of slicing it in half and putting one half in her kiddie snack cup, then sprinkling it with a little sucanat, that she never noticed no one else actually took a bite. She only ate a few bites herself but she sucked a bunch of the juice out, and the overall verdict was: Success. I guess we'll be serving more grapefruit around here!

Lunch was on the road - literally. We sat on the side of the road and ate delicious falafel sandwiches while out wandering around our neighborhood. Everyone enjoyed it, but I forgot to take a picture. Which brings me to a question for you, my non-existent readers. I almost always photograph food I prepare at home. That's just habit and I started this blog to have a place to post those pictures. But what about when we're eating out? Should I still photograph the meal? I'll put it to a vote. See the side bar for the poll.

Everything else was pretty standard fare. The babyfood turned out great. I wasn't super happy with the oatmeal banana puree I made the other day. Valentine enjoyed it, but the servings I put in the fridge gelled up and I had to add water to smooth it. Also, it turned brown because of the bananas. So back to the veggies for a while. Maybe banana is best served fresh anyway.

Tomorrow is Father's Day and we've got lots of activities scheduled, so there will be many meals on the go. But holiday or not, there is no escaping the Sunday night meal planning and grocery shopping. Have a great day all you dad's out there. I'll be back in the evening with our regularly scheduled Broadcast!

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