Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Cornichon Pickles

Breakfast: Rolled Oats with Real Maple Syrup, Chopped Apples and Walnuts. 

Snack for Silly: Seedless Grapes, Dubliner Cheese cubes, and Walnuts.

Lunch: Egg Salad Sandwich with Sliced Tomatoes & Cornichon Pickles on the side. 

Snack for Silly (and mom): Graham Cracker with Sunflower Seed Butter and Dark Chocolate Shavings, and Sliced Bananas.  

Dinner: Leftover Vegetarian Chili over Broiled Cheesy Polenta and Roasted Asparagus. 

Today was another predictable day. These are all foods Silly likes to eat. I wasn't planning on dosing our oatmeal with maple syrup this morning, but the tablespoon of sugar I added while cooking the oats didn't do much, so the family voted for a little drizzle of good old maple syrup. It was delicious!

Morning snack today was a snack for the go, as we planned a trip to the Aquarium. All finger foods that wouldn't completely destroy my car or the stroller! Lunch, back at home, was an egg sandwich, which Silly ate half of, but she asked for seconds on tomatoes. This means she ended up eating a whole tomato with lunch. That's okay, right? 

Afternoon snack is a regular around here. Silly was asking for cookies, so I spread some sunflower seed butter on a graham cracker and shaved a little dark chocolate over top. The chocolate shavings are kind of a trick, because all those shavings came from exactly ONE chocolate chip that I carefully shaved with my spice grater. No harm in a single chocolate chip, and Silly thought I'd given her the most decadent snack. Another trick? I served those banana slices with a toothpick. I don't know why exactly, but she'll eat just about anything with a toothpick. I think it reminds her of samples at the farmers market. Ha!

Lucy's Vegetarian Chili was a hit last night, but I only had a little bit left, so I made up some polenta this morning, chilled it and then right before dinner, cut it into triangles and broiled it. For something so simple, polenta really is great. Then I spooned the reheated chili over it and served it with some roasted asparagus. Asparagus is super easy and quick too. I use Barefoot Contessa's recipe, but cook it for only 7 minutes at 425F. So let's see - it took about 10 minutes to make polenta this morning. Then putting it on some parchment paper (keeping those pans clean!) and putting some fresh asparagus on another pan with some olive oil, salt & pepper, and roasting everything for about 7-8 minutes. This was a super fast and easy dinner. Silly was hesitant about the polenta, only eating about 1/2 of it, but she scarfed down the chili and asparagus, so I'm calling it a success. We're having polenta again this week, so hopefully she'll recognize it and be more interested in eating it.

Valentine continued working through the baby food I prepared yesterday (spinach/potato/apple & carrot/zucchini/pear), but I get to make something new tomorrow. I think I'll do something with oatmeal. Oatmeal and carrots? When is it okay to give babies protein? I'd like to try something with lentils. 

Until tomorrow!

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