Friday, June 15, 2012

Cook's Day Off!

Breakfast: Yummy Diner Food: Eggs, Pancakes, and Strawberries.

Snack for Silly: Oranges

Lunch for Silly: Vegetarian Hot Dogs, Dubliner Cheese Cubes, and Cherry Tomatoes. Grapes, Pretezels and Chickpea Hummus on the side (not all pictured).

Dinner: Pizza Delivery! Cheese with Black Olives, and Caesar Salad on the side.

We did very little cooking today. In fact, unless you consider chopping a hotdog to be cooking, we did none. It's been a long week with my husband out of town and when Silly and Valentine woke up this morning it was obvious we needed a treat. So off to the diner down the street for some yummy pancakes. Lunch was on the go today. We joined some friends for a hiking/playground adventure, and ate our picnic lunch before we headed out. This evening was our regular Pizza Friday, and even though we just made homemade pizza last night, it still sounded good to everyone. There was very little snacking today. Silly worked on her lunch all afternoon, so all and all, it was an easy day for the cook! 

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