Monday, June 4, 2012

Cucumber Coins

Snack for Silly: English cucumbers "coins", pitted green olives, chickpea hummus, and pretzels. 

Lunch: Sunflower seed butter and strawberry preserves on whole wheat bread, baby spinach and heirloom tomato salad with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, Himalayan pink salt & fresh ground pepper. 

Snack for Silly: Fresh blueberries and Pirate Booty! 

Dinner: Vegetarian Chili and corn chips. 

Verdict? Today was a safe day. I prepared only foods that I knew my toddler would eat. Breakfast, which I forgot to photograph, was a sausage/asparagus fritata and orange slices. She ate her whole snack and asked for seconds on cucumber. At lunch, as I expected, she ate her whole sandwich and picked all the tomatoes out of her salad. But a little rendition of "Try it! You might like it!" from Yo Gaba Gaba got the whole spinach salad in her. Second snack was provided by our playdate hosts and Silly ate all the blueberries and most of the pirate booty. Dinner, however, takes the win today. She ate THREE bowls! Can we get a round of applause for Lucy's Real Vegetarian Chili??? 

Valentine impressed me once again by scarfing down all the babyfood I made today: potato/spinach/apple puree & carrot/zucchini/pear puree x2. Success!

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