Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Welcome back!

It's September and the chaos of summer has finally subsided. Silly started preschool 3 mornings a week, and Valentine is enrolled in a Mommy & Me music class on Fridays. Life has become more routine and as things settle down, we turn our attention back to the blog. But why today and not yesterday or tomorrow? Well, because today I've come up with a food challenge to get things going!

The husband and I have decided that we need to tighten the belt around here. My general philosophy about budgeting is that groceries get cut dead last. I'd rather live in a tent than feed my family junk. Your body is your temple after all. You only get one, and just about everything in your life is made possible by a healthy mind and body, so food is a priority around here.

That being said, we can eat very well and not spend nearly as much as we currently do on food. We've been spending between $150-$250 each week and there is no rhyme or reason. That figure includes eating out which is why it varies so wildly. Eating out adds up really quickly! So, in the spirit of "tightening the belt" I've decided take on the challenge of seeing how cheaply I can feed my family of four for a WHOLE MONTH without compromising quality. I still intend to buy organic, provide variety, and keep it fresh.

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